زجاج وسط 500 مل

زجاج وسط 500 مل

وحدات النقد : 0
السعر : $8.32(متضمن للضريبة)
عند مزجه مع طلاء الأكريليك، فإنه يضمن جفاف الطلاء ببطء. وهي وسيلة خاصة متعددة الأغراض تستخدم في جميع أعمال النسيج وأعمال "التأثير الزائف". إنه شفاف وعديم الرائحة. ويضاف إلى الدهان بنسبة 25-50%. ومع زيادة الكمية المضافة، يتأخر تجفيف الطلاء. ويتم تنظيفه بالماء والصابون. لا يحتوي على مواد ضارة بالصحة. م & أمبير؛ يتوافق مع معايير EN 71.
Cadence Glazing Medium Glazing Medium When mixed with acrylic paint, it ensures late drying of the paint. It is a special multi-purpose medium used in all texture works and "faux effect" works. It is transparent and odorless. It is added to the paint at a rate of 25-50%. As the amount added increases, the drying of the paint is delayed. It is cleaned with water and soap. It does not contain substances harmful to health. CE & It complies with EN 71 norms. What is Glazing Medium? Antique looks, which are frequently preferred in furniture renovation works, which are among today's trends, are generally used with antique cream, antique powder, acrylic paint, etc. Cadence Glazing Medium, which is used by mixing with other products, is used as a medium that allows the paint to dry late and achieve the aged look you want on your furniture and all decoration works. How to Use Glazing Medium? It is recommended to use Glazing Medium mixed half and half with the weathering cream, aging powder or acrylic paint of your choice for aging, erasing and giving knot texture. The amount of Glazing Medium can be increased or decreased optionally. It is recommended to use a little more for light tone effects. In Which Techniques Is Glazing Medium Used? It is preferred in wood texture works with the Knot Tool, in all weathering techniques and works, in techniques such as acrylic paints etc. to create a natural transitional tone. Cadence Glazing Medium is at www.sanatsalhobi.com.tr with 70 ml, 120 ml, 250 ml and 500 ml size options, affordable price guarantee and secure payment options.
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: AR
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